Individual Counseling
Michael Schreiner | November 21, 2017
Increasing Responsibility Is Increasing Power
Most of us believe we’re the heroes or the victims of our own life stories. We cycle through...
Michael Schreiner | November 6, 2017
Waiting For Your Therapist To Cure You
The therapeutic relationship provides an opportunity for the projection of responsibility for life problems. Many people who end...
Michael Schreiner | July 11, 2017
Setting An Intention To Change
Regardless of the presenting problem, what we usually see from clients is that they dearly wish to overcome...
Michael Schreiner | May 3, 2017
The Common Denominator Is You
One of the most common mechanisms by which we seek to protect our fragile egos is the projection...
Michael Schreiner | April 24, 2017
Mental Disorders and Being Human
A good way to think of the various mental health disorders is as normal behavior exaggerated. What we...
Michael Schreiner | April 21, 2017
Stop Worrying About Where You Should Be And Start Appreciating Where You Are
What we see time and time again with people in the process of making important life changes is...
Michael Schreiner | April 3, 2017
Resistant Clients
Every therapist ends up working with resistant clients. It can be an exhausting, frustrating experience but it doesn’t...