All posts tagged "isolation"
Michael Schreiner | April 11, 2018
Normalizing Depression
Depression Makes Us Feel Isolated The pain of depression stems not just from its immediate symptoms but also...
Michael Schreiner | January 26, 2018
Cutting Through The Vicious Cycle Of Addiction
The Attempt to Reduce Unwanted States of Being The vicious cycle of addiction lies in the fact that...
Michael Schreiner | September 20, 2017
Healthy Community Versus Unhealthy Community
Belonging to a community is perhaps the most deeply entrenched human psychological need. Being a part of rather...
Michael Schreiner | April 27, 2017
Why Abusers Isolate Their Victims
Over the weeks, months, and years victims of domestic abuse tend to see most of their important relationships...
Michael Schreiner | March 30, 2017
Existential Isolation And Human Connection
In existential circles it’s often said that no two people have ever sat in the same room. This...
Michael Schreiner | March 2, 2017
Abuse And ‘Us Against The World’
A common predicament victims in abusive relationships face is increasing isolation from friends and family members. Abusers find...
Michael Schreiner | January 25, 2017
Helping People Move Through Conflict
The critical mistake most of us make when people experiencing life conflicts come to us for help is...
Michael Schreiner | December 8, 2016
Life Problems And Feelings Of Isolation
When people are forced to confront unique life problems they of course have to deal with the painful,...
Michael Schreiner | August 27, 2016
The Capacity To Be Bored Is A Blessing
If humans were incapable of getting bored it would be a curse not a blessing since it would...
Michael Schreiner | March 3, 2016
Rationalizing Isolation As Solitude
When isolated, bereft of community, steps are usually taken to try to rectify the situation. Nobody likes feeling...