Michael Schreiner | August 21, 2018
Running From Responsibility
At the superficial level the reason people shirk responsibility is that responsibility implies hard work and implies the...
Michael Schreiner | July 27, 2018
Emotional Detachment and Not Caring
The commonly held belief is that those with emotional detachment don’t care about much of anything, that they...
Michael Schreiner | July 26, 2018
Common Rationalizations of Emotional Detachment
When we understand that longstanding patterns of maladaptive behavior usually serve vital psychological and emotional functions despite their...
Michael Schreiner | July 25, 2018
Emotional Detachment and Approaching Conflict in Relationships
Since emotional detachment as a life solution is about withdrawing from people and the world in order to...
Michael Schreiner | July 19, 2018
Forgiving Wrongdoing
When we feel that we’ve been wronged the instinct is to seek revenge, to punish the perpetrator for...
Michael Schreiner | June 28, 2018
Understanding the Masochistic Life Solution
Repeated Exposure to Trauma Repeated exposure to abuse, abandonment, or other trauma produces seemingly unbearable amounts of anxiety....
Michael Schreiner | June 25, 2018
Destructive Leaders Produce Destructive Followers
Gods, parents, and leaders of all stripes share the same privileged psychological position in the minds of the...