All posts tagged "power"
Michael Schreiner | June 28, 2018
Understanding the Masochistic Life Solution
Repeated Exposure to Trauma Repeated exposure to abuse, abandonment, or other trauma produces seemingly unbearable amounts of anxiety....
Michael Schreiner | June 26, 2018
The Leap of Faith in Therapy
Changing in Ways Big and Small Deciding to go to therapy is very much a leap of faith....
Michael Schreiner | April 19, 2018
Responding To Criticism
Is the Criticism Just or Unjust? The psychological trick in responding to criticism is in figuring out whether...
Michael Schreiner | March 26, 2018
Psychology of Resentment
Projecting Responsibility for Unhappiness When we’re feeling resentful the typical response is to point that resentment towards the...
Michael Schreiner | February 28, 2018
Fortune Telling And The Status Quo
Predicting the Future With Absolute Certainty Elected leaders intent on maintaining the status quo purposefully employ a faulty...
Michael Schreiner | February 26, 2018
Understanding the Authoritarian Ethic
Power Over Others Is the Name of the Game The authoritarian ethic can best be understood by phrases...
Michael Schreiner | January 26, 2018
Abandonment And Controlling Behavior
Protecting Against the Dreaded Outcome of Abandonment We have written about how people who were abandoned in childhood...
Michael Schreiner | January 10, 2018
Moving on in a Healthy Way
The Nature of Existence is Impermanence Given that the nature of existence in general and human existence in...
Michael Schreiner | December 14, 2017
Anxiety is the Feeling of Helplessness in a Hostile World
A Working Definition for Anxiety As funny as it sounds, most people don’t have a working definition for...
Michael Schreiner | November 21, 2017
Increasing Responsibility Is Increasing Power
Most of us believe we’re the heroes or the victims of our own life stories. We cycle through...