All posts tagged "letting go"
Michael Schreiner | June 4, 2014
Endings Are Also Beginnings
Experiences that elicit grief are so difficult because of the finality, the stark realization that time has run...
Michael Schreiner | June 4, 2014
Let Go Of Your Mistakes
Dwelling on your mistakes is a bad habit that is all too easy to fall into. Actually it’s...
Michael Schreiner | May 13, 2014
Accepting Repair Attempts
What separates healthy couples from unhealthy couples, and ultimately what decides whether they stay together or break up,...
Michael Schreiner | April 11, 2014
Life Changes
“What changed?” This is a question that any good therapist is going to ask when you first come...
Michael Schreiner | December 9, 2013
Letting Go
It takes more energy to hold on than it does to let go. A great yoga teacher said...
Michael Schreiner | July 12, 2013
Unfinished Business
In Gestalt psychology when any aspect of your life is left hanging we call it unfinished business. This...
Michael Schreiner | February 18, 2013
Activity and Repose
During most Bikram and Hatha classes there is a sequence of poses about two thirds of the way...
Michael Schreiner | December 14, 2012
Connecticut School Shooting Tragedy
As the full impact of the school shooting tragedy in Connecticut starts to sink in we are faced...
Michael Schreiner | October 4, 2012
Grey’s Anatomy And Grief Recovery
The season premiere of the ninth season of ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ provides rich material for discussing the process of...
Michael Schreiner | September 25, 2012
Getting Over Guilt
A scene from ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ is worth discussing because variations of it occur when tragedy strikes in relationships...