All posts tagged "well-being"
Michael Schreiner | May 27, 2014
No More Excuses
Some good motivation, although initially painful to accept, is that if you’re not making time for it then...
Michael Schreiner | May 15, 2014
Growth and Well-Being
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within...
Michael Schreiner | April 30, 2014
Embrace Suffering
“If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished?” – Rumi Pretty much all...
Michael Schreiner | April 4, 2014
Mindful Recognition of Emotions Versus Unthinking Action
Helping professionals from different disciplines often send contradictory messages about routes to well-being, leaving laypeople in the awkward...
Michael Schreiner | April 1, 2014
Time to Start Enjoying Life Now
The downside of having goals and aspirations is that if you’re not careful you will get caught up...