All posts tagged "breathing"
Michael Schreiner | April 2, 2015
Come Back To Your Breathing Throughout The Day
We live in a fast paced, stressful world. We’re exposed to a constant barrage of inputs that would...
Michael Schreiner | June 11, 2014
Process of Going Inwards
We recently did a post on stress reduction and want to add a specific meditation that you can...
Michael Schreiner | June 10, 2014
Stress Reduction
You can’t necessarily change all the stressors in your life, things like a chaotic job or the demands...
Michael Schreiner | June 3, 2014
Aches and Pains
Some people consider aches and pains to be a normal part of life, best managed through medication or...
Michael Schreiner | May 28, 2014
You Can Dig Deeper
When coaches are trying to motivate their players they’ll often say something like, “Come on guys, I want...
Michael Schreiner | April 23, 2014
Combative Attitude Explained
“He fought because he actually felt safer fighting than running.” – Richard Adams It’s hard to empathize with...
Michael Schreiner | March 28, 2014
Managing a Hectic Schedule
Many purposefully make their lives way too busy in order to avoid a confrontation with existential anxiety. For...
Michael Schreiner | February 24, 2014
Step By Step Guide To Being More Mindful
Learning about psychology and philosophy gets pretty theoretical and the experience can start to feel meaningless when ideas...
Michael Schreiner | January 9, 2014
Overcoming Impatience
Good therapists are always skeptical of and make sure to challenge comments like “He makes me so angry,”...
Michael Schreiner | January 7, 2014
Benefits of Breathing Slowly
Ancient yogis believed that each of us have a certain number of breaths assigned to us the moment...