Search results for "empathy"
Michael Schreiner | May 30, 2013
A lot of confusion exists around what empathy actually is. One reason why is that it sounds so...
Michael Schreiner | April 13, 2018
Supporting The People We Care About When They Are Hurting
Try to be That Supporting Shoulder Despite our best efforts many of us don’t do a very good...
Michael Schreiner | March 2, 2018
Emotional Detachment and Suppressing Powerful Emotions
A Chosen Strategy for Psychic Relief When we write about emotional detachment as a syndrome it’s essential to...
Michael Schreiner | February 27, 2018
Anger And Vulnerability
Anger Makes Us Feel Powerful Especially for males in our society the expression of anger often acts as...
Michael Schreiner | January 26, 2018
Abandonment And Controlling Behavior
Protecting Against the Dreaded Outcome of Abandonment We have written about how people who were abandoned in childhood...
Michael Schreiner | November 27, 2017
Softening Your Attitude Towards The People You Care About
When we get to know people really well superficiality necessarily makes way for authenticity and suddenly we’re exposed...
Michael Schreiner | November 17, 2017
The Decision To Grow Is Also The Decision To Die
Why is it that so many people, maybe most people, remain stuck in undesirable environmental conditions and dysfunctional...
Michael Schreiner | October 10, 2017
Compassionate Listening Explained
When most people listen to others they knowingly or unknowingly place themselves and their own psychological, emotional, or...
Michael Schreiner | May 12, 2017
Emotional Detachment And Control
We can’t understand the mechanism of emotional detachment without understanding the enduring need to resist any and all...
Michael Schreiner | September 12, 2016
The First Interview
We are going to present some psychological insight for young therapists who want to do a better job...