All posts tagged "labels"
Michael Schreiner | January 17, 2013
The Library
The DSM IV-TR is often referred to as the bible of psychology. It is used for the diagnosis...
Michael Schreiner | January 14, 2013
Cradle Of Power
A major task for a feminist therapist is to bring hidden power relationships into conscious awareness, however small...
Michael Schreiner | November 26, 2012
Domestic Violence and Abuse
When we define abuse as instilling self-doubt in order to maintain control we have a flexible system of...
Michael Schreiner | November 20, 2012
Person First Language
An essential step in moving towards a just world is to start using person first language in our...
Michael Schreiner | November 6, 2012
Power Of Narratives
We are going to talk about the power of dominant narratives in shaping perception. We will use as...
Michael Schreiner | August 23, 2012
Neurosis Case Study
Liam is twenty-seven years old and lives in a small town in Washington State. He enjoys playing guitar...
Michael Schreiner | August 6, 2012
Testing Faulty Thinking
We have talked about how maladaptive thinking leads to psychological and emotional distress. Faulty thinking is devious because...
Michael Schreiner | August 3, 2012
Power of Labels
“Once you label me you negate me” -Soren Kierkegaard Narrative Therapy focuses on the power of storytelling. When...
Michael Schreiner | June 22, 2012
Victim Versus Survivor
Words cannot fully describe the complexity of an experience. They are generally agreed upon symbols, useful for the...
Michael Schreiner | May 25, 2012
Fun With Language
When operating within a narrative framework one of the ways to raise awareness and ultimately effect change is...