All posts tagged "vulnerability"
Michael Schreiner | February 27, 2018
Anger And Vulnerability
Anger Makes Us Feel Powerful Especially for males in our society the expression of anger often acts as...
Michael Schreiner | November 28, 2017
Healthy Vulnerability Versus Unhealthy Vulnerability
Most of us believe vulnerability in intimate relationships is either ‘good’ or ‘bad’ depending on whether our relationships...
Michael Schreiner | June 26, 2014
Best Way To Deal With Lying
If someone has been lying to you and then, for whatever reason, finally decides to tell the truth,...
Michael Schreiner | May 5, 2014
Making Reparations
Some spend a significant portion of their lives holding on to painful feelings of regret about the state...
Michael Schreiner | April 4, 2014
“We are more apt to feel depressed by the perpetually smiling individual than the one who is honestly...
Michael Schreiner | March 17, 2014
Every therapist experiences the scenario where the conversation is flowing along nicely and then all of a sudden...
Michael Schreiner | March 5, 2014
Accepting The State Of Sadness
“One cannot be deeply responsive to the world without being saddened very often.” – Erich Fromm Sadness Hurts...
Michael Schreiner | February 25, 2014
Hatred is not just an emotion. It’s a state of being, an orientation that guides your thoughts and...
Michael Schreiner | January 14, 2014
Emotional Abuse is Real Pain
Every child in our culture learns the refrain “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will...
Michael Schreiner | November 2, 2013
Soft Underbelly
It goes against our nature to show vulnerability to people who have hurt us. The reality is that...