All posts tagged "attitudinal values"
Michael Schreiner | March 14, 2013
Superheroes In The DSM
This morning as I woke up groggy and confused from a fitful dream it suddenly dawned on me...
Michael Schreiner | February 28, 2013
Attitudinal Values
On an episode of Futurama, Bender the robot is acquitted of various crimes because his lawyer is able...
Michael Schreiner | February 26, 2013
Defining Trauma
When clinicians diagnose PTSD they traditionally look for a specific traumatic event or series of traumatic events called...
Michael Schreiner | February 21, 2013
Just World Trauma
We are going to discuss a hypothesis for trauma that specifically fits into the mentality of people from...
Michael Schreiner | January 7, 2013
Impulse Control
As a human being you are at once the general who issues the command for a behavior and...
Michael Schreiner | December 6, 2012
Your anger can be a gift or a curse, and it all depends on you. Many come to...
Michael Schreiner | September 11, 2012
Mental Illness And Causation
Let’s imagine a morbid scenario. A man in good health and good spirits is taking his usual afternoon...
Michael Schreiner | July 23, 2012
Magical Thinking
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy addresses thought patterns that are believed to be responsible for many mental health issues. One...