Michael Schreiner | August 27, 2016
The Capacity To Be Bored Is A Blessing
If humans were incapable of getting bored it would be a curse not a blessing since it would...
Michael Schreiner | June 15, 2016
Depression And The Competitive Attitude
Separating normal from abnormal is, for most people, a question of which norms and values their particular cultural...
Michael Schreiner | June 13, 2016
Depression And Meaninglessness
A telltale sign that depression is on the immediate horizon is when people start to feel like their...
Michael Schreiner | April 25, 2016
Handling Disappointment
Hopeful anticipation can be just as biased as gloomy hopelessness. Obviously it feels better to fall in the...
Michael Schreiner | March 30, 2016
Try Something New
If you’ve grown bored in your life, if you feel like every day is pretty much just like...
Michael Schreiner | March 11, 2016
Losing Interest Does Not Necessarily Mean You Are Depressed
One of the criteria for Major Depressive Disorder in the DSM V is markedly diminished interest or pleasure...
Michael Schreiner | January 29, 2016
Negativity As A Defense Mechanism Against Depression
We all know people who seem to feel the insatiable need to negatively critique everyone and everything around...
Michael Schreiner | December 11, 2015
Success As A Source Of Malaise
Most people are aware that failure is a source of malaise but they don’t realize that success can...
Michael Schreiner | November 2, 2015
The Difference Between Depression And Feeling Sad
There’s a massive difference between clinical depression and feeling sad. It’s actually important to make the distinction since...
Michael Schreiner | September 30, 2015
Depression Is Arrested Development
From our existential point of view depression is the unconscious response to having abandoned the process of human...