All posts tagged "detached personality"
Michael Schreiner | May 12, 2017
Emotional Detachment And Control
We can’t understand the mechanism of emotional detachment without understanding the enduring need to resist any and all...
Michael Schreiner | April 12, 2017
Emotional Detachment And Breaking Through The Wall
People dealing with emotional detachment often use the image of a wall to explain their inability to express...
Michael Schreiner | March 30, 2017
Burdened With Painful Emotions And Emotional Detachment
Human beings are burdened, or blessed depending on the point of view, with a complicated emotional apparatus. This...
Michael Schreiner | June 29, 2016
Detached Personality And The Inability To Express Feelings
We all approach the way we express what we’re really feeling differently. Some of us wear our hearts...
Michael Schreiner | June 21, 2016
Emotional Detachment And Compartmentalization
Most psychological disciplines agree that an integrated personality structure is indicative of mental health, meaning of course that...
Michael Schreiner | May 3, 2016
Overcoming Emotional Detachment
If you chose emotional detachment in childhood as a life solution to sustained abuse at the hands of...
Michael Schreiner | February 25, 2016
Afraid To Get Close
There are a million and one rationalizations to explain away the choice to remain emotionally distant in close...