All posts tagged "guilt"
Michael Schreiner | January 8, 2018
Is Guilt Productive?
Defining Conscience Conscience and guilt are inextricably linked. When we act in ways that go against our conscience...
Michael Schreiner | December 9, 2016
Depression And Negative Self-Appraisals
Negative self-appraisals are a common feature of depression. Most people who are depressed report feelings of guilt, worthlessness,...
Michael Schreiner | July 7, 2016
Do Not Feel Guilty About How You Respond To Trauma
Most people have a pretty good idea about how they’ll feel if they ever go through an intense,...
Michael Schreiner | January 5, 2016
Guilt And Responsibility
A common sentiment amongst the educated elite is that guilt is a superficial construct employed by the various...
Michael Schreiner | February 20, 2015
Existential Guilt
Understanding existential guilt requires the recognition that human beings are at once creaturely and godlike, biological organisms tied...
Michael Schreiner | January 29, 2015
Super Ego Formation In Action
I was riding on the bus in the back section near a girl around eight years old on...
Michael Schreiner | January 26, 2015
Trying To Punish Others By Making Them Feel Guilty
When kids feel wronged or like their needs aren’t being recognized by parents or other authority figures they...
Michael Schreiner | June 25, 2014
Guilt Is A Way To Regain Control During Grief
When people die in accidents the circumstances are always tragic, but there are often different levels of avoidability....
Michael Schreiner | April 16, 2014
Discover What is Important to You
“Truly, it is in the darkness that one finds the light, so when we are in sorrow, then...
Michael Schreiner | April 10, 2014
Projecting Discomfort Onto Your Partner
I watched an uncomfortable scene unfold at a coffee shop that will serve as a good example for...