All posts tagged "power"
Michael Schreiner | November 6, 2017
Waiting For Your Therapist To Cure You
The therapeutic relationship provides an opportunity for the projection of responsibility for life problems. Many people who end...
Michael Schreiner | October 3, 2017
Irrational Authority and Off-Limits Subjects
Whether we’re talking about the patriarch of a nuclear family, a politician in a society, or any authority...
Michael Schreiner | September 18, 2017
Depression And Power
Depression and power have a paradoxical relationship. On the surface it seems like those suffering from depression are...
Michael Schreiner | November 18, 2016
What To Do With A Sense Of Impending Doom
The results of the election have left many with a sense of impending doom. Humanity finds itself at...
Michael Schreiner | November 7, 2016
Control And The Unexpected
The more control you exercise over happenings the less room you leave for the unexpected, for the spontaneous....
Michael Schreiner | September 25, 2016
Question Your Labels
The problem with being labeled, even when the label in question is culturally desirable, is that your available...
Michael Schreiner | May 23, 2016
Authority And Rebellion
Almost everybody identifies with and roots for the rebel alliance in Star Wars but many of these same people subtly...
Michael Schreiner | March 18, 2016
Inferiority And Superiority Are The Same
Feelings of superiority and feelings of inferiority are not distinct ways of being but rather two sides of...
Michael Schreiner | October 5, 2015
Abuse Is A Power Word
Abuse is a power word. If you’re a victim of abuse your abuser definitely doesn’t want you uttering...
Michael Schreiner | September 16, 2015
From the perspective of many authority figures slackers are lazy good for nothings, aimless, talentless, unmotivated losers who...