Michael Schreiner | November 19, 2014
Behavior Over Feelings
Many rationalize harmful words and actions towards the people they are closest to by telling themselves they’re only...
Michael Schreiner | November 13, 2014
Abandonment Issues
If you have abandonment issues as an adult it probably means you were abandoned by one or both...
Michael Schreiner | November 12, 2014
Coping Mechanisms In Relationships
What happens to a lot of couples is that partners keep using the coping mechanisms that they used...
Michael Schreiner | November 11, 2014
Make Your Romantic Relationship A Safe Port Not A Battleground
One of the obvious yet surprisingly overlooked keys to happiness is to make your romantic relationship a safe...
Michael Schreiner | October 28, 2014
Threats Work But At A Steep Price
From a behavioral point of view most threats are attempts to wield the power of negative reinforcement. The...
Michael Schreiner | October 27, 2014
Take Care Of Your Relationship
Think of the objects in your life that you are most careful around, the things towards which you...
Michael Schreiner | October 23, 2014
Seeing Flaws Or Seeing Potential In Your Partner
Many people go into a relationship with the underlying goal of changing their partner. They view this person...
Michael Schreiner | September 22, 2014
Make A List Of Five Things You Want Your Partner To Do If You Die
This article is especially relevant for couples nearing the end of their lifespans, where one partner will leave...
Michael Schreiner | September 22, 2014
There are myriad aspects of infidelity that we could explore; the one we want to delve into here...
Michael Schreiner | September 18, 2014
Wanting Out Of A Relationship
How many people all over the world are still in relationships they desperately want out of due to...