Narrative Therapy
Michael Schreiner | December 14, 2012
Anorexia Is An Abusive Partner
What makes narrative therapy unique is that the major issue or problem is contextualized as an object independent...
Michael Schreiner | December 3, 2012
Conflicting Roles
We are going to present a hypothetical case study that is quite common in one form or another...
Michael Schreiner | November 20, 2012
The way we think about and employ words can tell us a great deal about our culture. Often...
Michael Schreiner | November 20, 2012
Person First Language
An essential step in moving towards a just world is to start using person first language in our...
Michael Schreiner | November 6, 2012
Power Of Narratives
We are going to talk about the power of dominant narratives in shaping perception. We will use as...
Michael Schreiner | October 26, 2012
Protective Narrative
Have you ever overheard an emphatic recounting about a previous confrontation where you could tell that the narrative...
Michael Schreiner | September 27, 2012
Get To Know Your Depression
In order to overcome your depression you need to get to know it intimately. Sun Tzu, in ‘The...
Michael Schreiner | August 9, 2012
Be The Agent of Change
Narrative therapy helps you understand that you are not fully responsible for the creation and maintenance of your...
Michael Schreiner | August 3, 2012
Power of Labels
“Once you label me you negate me” -Soren Kierkegaard Narrative Therapy focuses on the power of storytelling. When...
Michael Schreiner | July 18, 2012
Narrative Power Relations
To understand the role of the counselor in a narrative setting we have to understand one of the...