All posts tagged "conflict"
Michael Schreiner | February 3, 2017
Thirsty For Conflict
Some people move almost seamlessly from one hostile conflict situation to the next. Any seeming periods of calm...
Michael Schreiner | December 7, 2016
Conflict And Asking People Why They Did Something
In conflict situations we often feel compelled to ask our interlocutors why they think, feel, or act in...
Michael Schreiner | September 19, 2016
Approaching Relationship Conflict In A Healthier Way
In any intimate long-term relationship conflict is unavoidable. We’ve written this before but it’s fundamentally important to understand...
Michael Schreiner | May 24, 2016
Stonewalling is one of the four patterns of behavior in conflict situations that John Gottman isolated as most...
Michael Schreiner | June 9, 2015
Detached Personality And Interpersonal Conflict
If you’ve read our other articles on emotional detachment it probably won’t surprise you to hear that people...
Michael Schreiner | January 30, 2014
Couples Teaming Up Against Conflict
Probably the most useful concept from narrative therapy is the idea of separating the problem from the person,...
Michael Schreiner | November 12, 2013
Hero Worship
Some feel the relentless drive to elevate a person to godlike status. They search and search until finding...
Michael Schreiner | November 4, 2013
Conflict Is Okay
Most of us have an ambivalent attitude towards conflict in our romantic relationships. Some of us try to...
Michael Schreiner | July 3, 2013
American Neurosis
If you gain weight you’re fat and if you lose weight you’re anorexic. If you workout you’re a...
Michael Schreiner | June 10, 2013
There is a stage in the development of groups commonly called ‘storming’ where the veneer of friendliness and...