All posts tagged "masochism"
Michael Schreiner | February 9, 2016
Sadism Explained
The typical picture of a sadist is of someone who gains emotional and or sexual satisfaction from humiliating...
Michael Schreiner | February 2, 2016
Rationalizing Masochism, Sadism, And Emotional Detachment
We have to understand masochism, sadism, and emotional detachment not as isolated, compartmentalized behaviors that arise in certain...
Michael Schreiner | August 21, 2015
Always Trying To Make Others Happy
If you’re always trying to make others happy the question to ask yourself is, “Does my world orientation...
Michael Schreiner | April 3, 2015
Putting People On A Pedestal
When we put people on a pedestal we expect the impossible from them, we expect them to be...
Michael Schreiner | March 16, 2015
Masochism Versus Emotional Detachment
We have written about how those with detached personality are likely to rationalize their compulsive emotional detachment on...
Michael Schreiner | June 17, 2014
Group Membership
Have you ever noticed how some people, when surrounded by a posse of friends, are loud, confident, and...
Michael Schreiner | April 14, 2014
Trying to Possess Someone
“Caring for but never trying to own may be a further way to define friendship.” – William Glasser...
Michael Schreiner | April 7, 2014
Walk Your Own Path
“No one can construct for you the bridge upon which precisely you must cross the stream of life,...
Michael Schreiner | August 19, 2013
Waiting For The One
“I’m waiting for someone to sweep me off my feet.” You hear so many variations of this sentiment....
Michael Schreiner | July 22, 2013
Is there any word in the English language more used and abused than love? It can represent anything...