Michael Schreiner | August 28, 2016
Adaptive Parenting
Parents who have an inkling that they’re creating unhealthy environmental conditions for their developing children are likely to...
Michael Schreiner | August 24, 2016
Empty Nest
The empty nest syndrome is really a problem of meaning. People tell themselves that they’re feeling weird because...
Michael Schreiner | May 17, 2016
Authoritarian And Permissive Parenting Styles
An adult with an authoritarian parenting style observes some kids running wild throughout the day while the primary...
Michael Schreiner | February 4, 2016
Helicopter Parenting And Watering Plants
There’s more than one way to kill a plant. We all know that not paying enough attention does...
Michael Schreiner | January 6, 2016
Kids Don’t Differentiate Between Positive Attention And Negative Attention
If you have one problem child while the rest of your kids are pretty well behaved it’s time...
Michael Schreiner | January 4, 2016
Parenting Your Kids Using Behavioral Psychology
If you feel raw about receiving parenting advice you can at least in part thank the societal expectation,...
Michael Schreiner | November 25, 2015
The Toll Of Abandonment
We’ve written a lot about the severe psychological toll of abandonment. From our psychoanalytic point of view, the...
Michael Schreiner | August 10, 2015
Example Of Scaffolding
We recently wrote an article about the power of scaffolding and want to elaborate on it with a...
Michael Schreiner | August 4, 2015
When following some new pursuit most people start out with high hopes, confident that with enough time and...
Michael Schreiner | June 22, 2015
Using Extinction To Stop Unwanted Behaviors
If you want to elicit a certain behavior you use positive or negative reinforcements, along with shaping, to...