Michael Schreiner | March 17, 2016
Anger As A Chimney Fire
We’ve written about why some people like being angry. If you’re struggling with anger management issues you probably...
Michael Schreiner | February 4, 2016
Productive Frustration
Frustration arises when a behavior that leads to an expected reinforcement suddenly and unexpectedly ceases to be reinforced....
Michael Schreiner | November 10, 2015
Working Out Emotional Knots
In Gestalt psychology when people have had something bad happen to them and haven’t really worked through it,...
Michael Schreiner | November 5, 2015
About To Explode
It’s not like most people with anger management issues don’t know they have these issues. What’s interesting to...
Michael Schreiner | October 15, 2015
Frustration And Anger
To most people frustration and anger seem inextricably intertwined, almost one and the same thing, just sort of...
Michael Schreiner | October 6, 2015
All Emotions Are Equal In The Eyes Of Evolution
The regulation of emotions through drugs and talk therapy is a multi-billion dollar industry whose success can in...
Michael Schreiner | September 24, 2015
What To Do If Your Romantic Relationship Is On The Rocks
If you’ve been struggling to get along with your partner and feel like your romantic relationship is on...
Michael Schreiner | July 28, 2015
True Happiness
We’ve got to define happiness before we can talk about the factors that might be keeping you from...
Michael Schreiner | June 17, 2015
Destructive Emotions Are Not The Problem
Most people operate under the assumption that it’s their destructive emotions that get them into trouble. They believe...
Michael Schreiner | June 9, 2015
Detached Personality And Interpersonal Conflict
If you’ve read our other articles on emotional detachment it probably won’t surprise you to hear that people...