Michael Schreiner | October 22, 2015
Self-sabotage as a pattern of behavior can only be explained as the result of the deep down feeling,...
Michael Schreiner | October 16, 2015
Working With Abusers
The tendency is to villainize abusers but trying to get them to accept the role of villain is...
Michael Schreiner | October 5, 2015
Abuse Is A Power Word
Abuse is a power word. If you’re a victim of abuse your abuser definitely doesn’t want you uttering...
Michael Schreiner | October 2, 2015
Never Going To Amount To Anything
It’s sad but true that many people all over the world are being told right now that they’re...
Michael Schreiner | October 1, 2015
Abuse Erodes Confidence
Some types of abuse are hit you in the face obvious but other types are far more subtle....
Michael Schreiner | September 23, 2015
Abuse At The Hands Of Primary Caregivers
The psychoanalytic explanation for why abuse at the hands of primary caregivers is so detrimental to the psyche,...
Michael Schreiner | August 17, 2015
Friendly Abuse
When we remember that at its root abuse is about control, about instilling doubt in order to maintain...
Michael Schreiner | June 17, 2015
Learning To Accept Praise
We all know that getting criticized hurts, even when it’s valid, even when it’s meant to help us....
Michael Schreiner | May 11, 2015
Disinterest As Abuse
We usually think of abuse in the active sense, as emotional, psychological, or physical damage that is easy...
Michael Schreiner | May 4, 2015
Abuse Comes In Many Shapes And Sizes
Victims of abuse aren’t always consciously aware that they’re being abused. This is because although abuse comes in...