Drugs and Happiness
Many people have always felt like something is missing from their lives, although they can’t put their finger on exactly what, until the first time they try their drug of choice. Most drug users who become addicts end up trying and using a variety of drugs, but they also usually have this preferred drug, which acts as a sort of orb of power around which the other drugs orbit. Different categories of drugs create different chemical effects in the brain, so it makes sense that people with different personalities and different existential needs are drawn to different types.
The commonly held point of view looks down upon drug users, making them feel weak and deficient for needing a chemical substance to be happy and fulfilled. But doesn’t this prove that at bottom addicts just want to be happy and fulfilled? It’s a positive and life-affirming idea, and a bastion of hope to grasp onto during recovery. The goal all along was happiness and fulfillment. But using drugs to get there will only ever temporarily do the trick. All that drugs can do is cover up the important existential aspects of our lives for a time, allowing us to blissfully drift while intoxicated. They can never solve these existential issues. We have to do that ourselves.
If you are currently addicted to a substance and want to recover, you can either get down on yourself for being weak, or come to realize that all you ever really wanted was to live a happy life. The fact that you have been happy while intoxicated proves your capacity to be happy as a human being. You’ve got to make the firm commitment to work a lot harder for your happiness now, using all of the available healthy routes to get there, routes that take longer to work and don’t offer the instant, spiking high that drugs do. The happiness that drugs and alcohol offer is a mirage and not lasting. Relying on them for happiness will always lead to unhappiness.